Flexible support for you, your business and your future.

Mr and Mrs B


Bellinger’s is a family business offering the benefit of our experience: Mrs B has a background in HR, currently on a journey into education. Mr B is all about Learning and Development.

If you want to know more about us, the best place to go are our Linked in pages (Mrs B) (Mr B).

Mr B: A varied career that started in Office Supplies and led me to pharmaceuticals… the legal ones that make people better. It started in Sales but there I found my passion, which is People, well Learning and Development to be precise.

The services that I’m offering here are more one to one. I started Mentoring and Coaching in 2010 and I’ve had many excellent partnerships along the way. As a result I’ve taken the step to offer my services privately for the first time.

Mrs B: I started my career in finance straight from college, and moved into general administration, before settling in to the HR sector for ten or so years. After having children, the education sector beckoned, meaning I could balance work around school holidays. I began as a teaching assistant and shortly afterwards took the decision to begin studying part time for a degree in English Literature and Language. Now almost halfway through a 6 year degree journey, I also work part time in admin support for a local school.

I am here to take some of the administration burden off you so you can work on making your business thrive and grow.